Hi!As promised on my Instagram, i'm sharing the recipe i've used to make some delicious Madeleines!List of ingredients3 eggs1/2 cup of granulated white sugar1 cup of all purpose flour1/2 cup of unsalted butter1/2 teaspoon of baking powder1/2 teaspoon of honeyA little bit of saltThe juice of half a lemon

So here's the link to the original recipe. It's a video, i figured it would be so much easier for you to follow the steps. The list of ingredients are in French that's the reason why it's in English above :) Now let me explain what i did differently. First i love lemon with almost everything so i've added the juice of half a lemon to the sugar+eggs mix. Also, instead of melting the butter in the microwave, I let it cool down at room temperature (for like 4 hours or so, if you're planning to do the recipe in the morning just remember to leave the butter on the counter the night before). I've seen a difference in the texture of the madeleines since i've tried both options. They were fluffier! Most importantly, it's the cooking part. Follow religiously the different stages: 1 minute at 240 °C, 4 minutes at 200 °C and 5 minutes at °180 C. Use a timer if you want but you really need to do it if you want nicely puffed madeleines.

Bon appétit!!

